How to become a successful blogger

How to become successful blogger:

If you also want to become a successful blogger then you have to read my whole post so that you can become a very good and famous blogger.There are very competitors in the market which create competition among themselves. In the case of any topic we can get many blogger, so for getting master in our side we have to do really hard work and also smart work.

Now the question comes in our mind,that how to make a blog so that it can rank very nice and with the help of ad network we can increase our income in this blog I will discuss about how to become a successful blogger and also in this post you will get new knowledge about how to get a good rank so we will start the post from here.

I have share all the important topics which will help you to become a successful blogger and if you try to read my all post carefully then you will          easily able to cover all the topic which will make you a good blogger.

How to become a blogger:

If you also want to become a good blogger then you have to read my whole post ,because to become a successful blogger in your life I have given all the tips which will help you and you can create your blog to a very big milestone which will help you to earn money.

Always try to be regular at your work:

If you are a full time blogger then you will obviously be posting your blog by blogpost publish. And if you are not posting your article in the blog then the Google will not help you to make your blog big because Google always try to make the blog big only when they post there article regularly and if you will not post your blog regularly the Google will not help you to grow so I will like all of you to give the article regularly on your blog so that Google will rank you higher.

If you are regularly posting your article on your blog then the blog will get a huge amount of traffic then from our blog organic keyword will also rank higher than your blog will rank very higher so I will always like you to do is that all in a week always try to post 5 to 7 post and within 2 or 3 month you will see that you are getting a huge traffic in your website.

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Always try to write the post in minimum 2000 words:

If you also want to become a successful blogger like others then you have to give a minimum of 2000 words of article in your blog so that it will help you to rank nicely. So that if any visitors come to your blog and if their reading a blog post than they must get the knowledge of all the things they are searching for and also readers could think that this blog clear my doubt nicely and readers will always try to read our blog first.

Google always try to rank the post which usually uses the word in on page seo that’s why always try to write an post neatly and clean.

Create the blog on the WordPress:

If you are trying to write a blog then always try to write it in on word press because in the competition of blogger the word praise always try to set up a blog in a nice way so that your blog could be manage easily and if you will see many big big logs are always created on wordpress because blog is always set up on WordPress . If you don’t know more about wordpress you can easily type it on Chrome, where you can easily find how to set up your blog on the wordpress.

  •    Always try to design your blog nicely:

The first thing the visitor sees in the blog is the creativity which the people try to do in their blog. So always try to design your blog nicely try always to design your account very nicely so that it look professional which will help your blog to be trusted by the people so always try to make your blog home page very designing so that visitors can visit your blog regularly and also your user can increase day by day.

  •    Try to improve the blog loading speed:

A blog speed ranking and traffic have a great position in the blog if the blog speed is very slow then you cannot rank very good in the Google .Google always try to rank the result or blog in the upper rank whose speed is very fast it works on the SEO factor.

If you try to increase the blog speed then you can try to improve the cache plugins and by using it you can increase the blog

speed and on the second hand if you are using a bad posting then also your blog speed get slow so always time not to use the cheap hosting.

  •    Try to do the SEO of the post and the blog:

If you are writing a very good blog but not doing the on page SEO then you are blog my take some time to rank and also if any blogger is writing a post better than our and his also doing the on page seo then his post will rank very higher than ours.

So always try to use the keyword in your post and always remember that never do keyword stuffing in your post because Google can gave it a bad effect so always try to write a quality content with the on page SEO from which our Post will rank very higher.

  •    Try to research keyword:

To get your blog rank higher keyword also plays a very important role in it, so always try to do keyword research nicely so that your blog could get traffic, if our blog is not getting much traffic then always try to use long till keyword by using this type of keyword our block code get very higher traffic because this could help low the volume of our keyword.

By using this the new blog also gets higher rank. For using the keyword research you can use free and paid tools like ahref and semrush tools because it always help the keyword to get our view very nice.

More Read: How to become a successful blogger 

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