Instagram New Updates

Instagram New Updates

Instagram New Updates: Hello friends welcome to my blog today in this blog we are going to discuss about the new update which have been given by the Instagram. According to some update meta verified to pay and make our Instagram account and our Facebook account verified by it.

According to the update of Instagram, meta verified is now available for all the US users. Also according to me this is just what was announced by it a month ago. According to the official news it was told by them that:

“We are removing increased reach as a subscription feature for now as we gather more feedback and further evolve meta verified”

Recently in an interview Mark Zuckerberg told that it would be charging people who want to get verified their Instagram account or also if they want to have a blue check on their Instagram account so they have to pay 11 dollars on the web or 14.9 dollars on iOS. And I would like to also inform you that this service has already started in New Zealand and Australia to pay money for having a blue check or getting verified on their account.

This news come in effect after a few months ago Twitter started charging their users for having a blue check or getting verified as a new revenue stream, there are also many updates which will come in the few months.

According to the Mark Zuckerberg by getting verified in their Instagram account they will be able to become popular in all of the world and also after getting verified they will help for increasing number of followers through which they can also earn money by branding any products in it.

According to him after getting verified in their account with the help of government issued id they can protect their account from the people who make the fake accounts in the Instagram and use their name to chat with other peoples. This can make the people in danger and also they can get prison if the people will do bad things by using their name in the Instagram.

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They have introduced Instagram broadcast channels in the new updates:-

This is the new update which are given in the Instagram account recently.

This is a new feature which has been given by the Instagram which allow its creators to build community within a new messaging space. It acts as a straight line between its creator and the followers where the creators can easily share all their latest news directly to their followers who have been following them for many years.

And also I would like to tell you that this update has only come for the US creators at the moment but according to me it will share out worldwide in the coming months.

Also Instagram is gifting all its creator in the US:

As we all know that all the people loves gifts and so they have done an effortless way for the creators to make a living on their Instagram account. Also Instagram helps in sending the digital gifts to their creators in time so they can monetize it.

I have discussed below how it works:

  • If you are eligible creator on Instagram account then the gift option will appear in the bottom left corner of your reels.
  • You can easily purchase a gift from the library where you can choose any gift and send it to your creator.
  • After sometimes the creators will have a huge amount of gift and they will be able to exchange and withdraw the gift after a sometime as a real money.
  • I have also discussed below all the eligibility criteria for having a gift option:
  • The creator need to be have an age of 18 years and also US based.
  • They must also have an professional account.
  • They also must have active reel producers.
  • They also must have pass the partner monetization policy and also remain complaint with Instagram community guidelines.
  • You can also check your eligibility by going to the professional dashboard which are easily available on Instagram.
  • You can also roll out of dynamic Avatar profile photos on your Instagram account:
  • After this update you can use your Instagram 3D avatar.
  • Now by using this update you can add your Instagram avatars that will help when any people will visit our profile on Instagram account. Also by using this it has introduced for the first time an animation in the Instagram platform.
  • You can also add your Instagram avatar by adding a tap on the edit profile option.
  • Also with the help of this new features such as quite mode, hidden words in recommendation, and multi select in explore button:-
  • With the help of this update the Instagram users will now have a better Instagram experience. You will discuss below how they can have a better experience on it:-
  • Quite mode:-

By using this option you can easily quite your Instagram account for a period of time when you do not want to use this app and focus on any other thing which you like. When you will keep your Instagram account on a quite mode the app will not be able to send you any notifications and also users will not get any notification from there friends so that they get disturb from it.

Once you do active the quite mode then you will not be able to get anything such as messages comments etc. You will also do not get to know what is going in the world and what your friends are posting in your Instagram account.

Hidden words in recommendations:

I would like to tell you that this option already exist in that direct messenger but after update came the users can easily define the hidden word which will be applied to the Instagram and it will be easily shown in the recommendation section. Also it means that the image of video which we have hidden for sometime will not be available for a longer time in the recommendation.

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