Some of the Information About Google

Information about Google:

Hello friends welcome to my post, today in this post we are going to share  information about Google. To get more information about Google you have to read my whole post so that you will not face any difficulty after reading it. So today we are going to discuss about Google in brief.

In today’s world there are many tech company but then also Google is listed in the top in the tech world. Google publisher partner program many people give their content and in return they give money to them. Google has a very big name in the market in today’s time.

That’s why Google has very much information stored in it. So if any people in today’s world is thinking that who is the real father of Google then you are obviously wrong because there could not be any the father of Google and also it will be not given birth in the upcoming years.

Because Google has the big dominance in the entire world. It is a biggest search engine for people where they can search anything and get anything result.

Google helps many children in doing their homework and also if you get stuck in any place then you can easily know the location where you are standing and where to go.

Google has originated from which country:

As we all know that Google is the biggest search engine. It was created by the two brothers in the country America. And also in today’s time the CEO of Google is Sundar pichai who is an Indian origin  and in his tenure the Google has become the biggest company. The Google also generate the biggest revenue of the world.

The CEO of Google:

If we see in today world Google is a very big company. In today’s world many people uses Android phone and also Google is always in Android phone. When Android phone come to India then in India it has gain a huge amount of customers.

And also in today’s world directly or indirectly we use many products of Google that Google has launched in the market.

Talking about the CEO of Google, Sundar pichai is the present CEO of Google. For becoming this company very big Sundar pichai has done a very great work in it. In today time there are many apps which Google launched every time. Which help us in doing our work very easily.

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Who is the father of Google?

Google comes under the alphabet it clearly means that alphabet company runs Google. So from this we can  easily tell that alphabet company is the father of Google. But both of this are almost same.

Who is Google?

Those people who don’t know about Google, so I am going to discuss that Google is the biggest search engine from where we can search anything and get any result very easily. In Google everyday over crores of people search in it about their questions in their Google search engine.

There could not be any question which cannot be answered by the Google because Google is a very big search engine and Google can answer anything. In today’s time also Google is the biggest search engine and no one could match Google because it is a very big company.

Which is the biggest search engine in the world?

So I would like to tell you that Google is the biggest search engine in the world. If you are using an Android phone then your operating software is also created by the Google which makes Google a very big company.
In before time Yahoo was the biggest search engine which was used to answer any question. It was also a very big search engine.

It was also used by many people in before time but when the Google has welcome its Chrome browser from then every people know about the Google and which make it very famous. Talking about the Google we can get every information we want.

What is the salary of the present CEO:

Google is a very big company and the people who work in it gets a very high salary. The people who work in it gets a very big infra structure and also get many facilities which Google gives to their employees. Talking about the salary of CEO, he gets 20 lakh dollar per year as his salary . Converting this into Indian rupees this could be almost 148978200 rupees per year.

What is the age of Sundar pichai?

Talking about the age of Sundar pichai ,he has obtained the age of 49 year. He has almost  spend his age by working in the Google and now also his working in Google.

Google could only achieve this just because of their hard work. In today’s time you can search anything in Google.

Google can answer anything which we want. With the help of Google we can easily introduce our business in the online market. We can go anywhere with the help of the Google maps.

If you want to translate anything from Hindi to English or any other language you can easily do it with the help of Google translate. With the help of Google we can easily read news and also get the information of the world by sitting at our home only.

There are also many people who are Indian and working in the Google company. Google always hire  the people who are also very talented. Google also help many bloggers to earn money through it with the help of Google AdSense. In today’s time many people earn crore of rupees with the help of Google.

If you also want to earn good amount of money from Google you you can easily do with the help of Google AdSense.

From the above post I have discussed about the information on Google. Just you have to read my whole post so that you could not have any question after reading this post. Google has become a very big search engine in today’s time you can search anything which you want.

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