The Role of Education in India’s Economic Development

The Role of Education in India’s Economic Development

Role of Education: Hello friends welcome to my post today in this blog we are going to discuss about the role of education in India’s economic development. So try to read my whole post so that you do not have any confusion after reading this post. Also I will help to cover all my topics so that you do not have any doubt after reading this post. So I will start my today’s topic from here.(Role of Education)

Education is one of the most important knowledge through which we can do a great development in any aspects. To have a country’s better economic prosperity we must have our child educated. Without having a better investment in human capital, none of the country cannot achieve long term economic progress.

Education also helps to Outlook people themselves. It is also seen that both people and society are getting benefits from education because it helps to enhance their quality of life and also provide a variety of social benefits.

Education helps in the development of human capital, productivity, creativity technology, advancement ,women empowerment ,social development health awareness and also there are many post from very economic development can be boosted.

In India’s economic development there are different roles of education which I have discussed below:

The formation of human capital:

Role of Education: Human development is related from human capital. In the human development qualitative and quantitative advances in the nation are unavoidable. Promoting the comprehensive development of the nation human capital is an good instrument.(Role of Education)

The human capital formation of India has increased very much since its independence because of its qualitative improvement in each generation. Also I would like you to tell you that our generation of India’s population is working very hardly in the countries development in the second decade of the 21st century.

India has boosted his service industry and also it has increased the invisible balance of payments with the software service, export of financial services and also with the tourism services. The Reason for the improvement in the service sector because of the growth in the Indian economy and also it demonstrates the India’s capital growth.

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In the Recent time the Indian government has provided more job oriented education in order to provide the increase number of employees which will help in pushing the India’s economy forward. Prime minister Narendra Modi announce the “Kaushal Bharat Kushal Bharat “project.

From this project many people can get jobs also in this initiative the government has announced the goal of 400 million people will get jobs under this project.

There are also many project from where the people can get employment and the projects are listed below:
Pradhan mantri Vikas Yojana.

The national policy for skill development and entrepreneurship 2015.
The national skill development mission.


Role of Education: It is a very valuable point it also provides a key role to grow rapidly it also helps in effectively borowing foreign technology. It also helps in primary and secondary education, health and nutrition, and also helps in contributing to increase Workers productivity in both rural and urban areas.(Role of Education)

The main point of secondary education is that it helps in developing the talents and also make capable of doing many of its capabilities. And as we all know that the tertiary education helps in contributing to the advancement of basic science,

also the proper selection of technology imports, it also helps in developing the technology in the domestic markets. And also both the tertiary and the secondary education helps in significant contributions to making of key government institutions and the legal system and also the financial system.

India has almost reached the point of becoming the developed country, and also if it continues to improve the same rate, then it is almost sure that no one will help us in developing and also we will accelerate like this only.

Agriculture and the industries development has given prove that our development is increasing day by day. Now a days farmer with the new technology can give us better farming because they can produce a huge amount of cereals which they could do with the old technologies.(Role of Education)

This is also the same case with the industrial sector. The industrialization is increasing day by day because of new technology because they can produce new products which helps in marketing very easily.

Educated labour and the workers of the industries are currently using new technology and equipment for increasing the output and the economic progress of the industries. This also helps in bringing economic development to our country.

Reduces poverty:

Role of Education: In the modern time poverty is the huge threat to the human survival and specially in the developing countries. According to me to decrease poverty in the country you must have to invest huge amount in education.

And it is prove that no country can develop without having a good education system in his country. Poverty and education are almost connected to each other.

Education helps in full filling the basic needs of our life such as water and sanitation, access to health care and housing and also it helps in influencing the women’s behaviour in fertility decisions and family planning.

Education in every sense helps in improving the economic development of the country in all the aspects. Education also helps in decreasing the poverty rate in the country.

Education plays a key role in boosting the economic efficiency and also helps in boosting the social consistency by raising the workforce worth efficiency and also lifting out the poverty.

Technical and vocational education and training can provide people with job opportunities and also helps in integrating the important learning skills. It can help people finding work in green industries such as alternative energy, recycling, agriculture, transportation and communication.(Role of Education)

Women empowerment:

Role of Education: In the last few years women empowerment has become a social issue in all over the world, especially in India. The inequalities between man and woman as well as discrimination was a topic to think in all over the world. But now  this problem has totally been solved and all the men and women are different only by their merits in their education.

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